1·We find the issue announcement of convertible bond cause the stock price to drop by 1.1%.
2·If end operation network game, should shift to an earlier date 30 days to issue announcement.
3·But the timing of the announcement highlights the importance of maintaining at least a show of unity on the climate issue, despite heightened tensions between the two nations.
4·Nevertheless, he welcomed de Maizière's announcement that he would seek to draft regulations that would lay down principles for dealing with the issue.
然而,他欢迎de Maizière's宣布寻求草案来放下那些处理问题的旧观念。
5·This might be the announcement of a new plan on an issue of interest to voters or an appearance at a symbolic location.
6·The immediate suspicion that this raised, and I think it's more than a suspicion, is that companies will time announcement of good news until after they issue the options.
7·Competition invitation issue Date: within 3 days of after the announcement of pre-assessment result. The Host will send invitations to selected design firms via email or fax.
8·No issuer shall issue securities prior to the announcement of the document on public issuance and raising.
9·After having approved the application, the Registration Authority will take back the owner's original Website Name Registration Certificate, issue a new one and make an announcement.
10·The issue of announcement of listed corporations concerns the legal obligations to the shareholders of the corporation, society and stock market which impose on public limited liability corporations.